
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wonderful Giveaway!!

Not mine (yet) but Siv Hege reached some awesome goals and wants to share it with everyone! What a grand thing to do!!! By the way, she has a lovely blog and does some lovely things!!!

Remember that I went to a guild meeting? Well my friend encouraged me to share at show and tell, but didn't no my picture was going on their blog!!! But you can see if you so desire! Brownwood Quild Meeting

Happy Fall to Ya'll!!!!!


  1. I hopped over to the blog about the guild meeting and got a look at your quilt. That is a beauty! Lots of work in that hand stitching, too. Great job, Doniene!

  2. Happy Fall to you too.
    Good for you - guild meetings are fun and your show n tell is great!
    Your porch looks lovely, read to sit and relax.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  3. You little mini is adorable!! Cute photo of you too.


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