
Friday, September 30, 2011

Christmas Greetings BOM

Two days in a row!!!! Well, I posted my September BOM yesterday, because I had just finished it that morning. Yesterday evening, I was tidying my sewing area and saw my draft of the October BOM and just sat down and machine pieced it last night!! As you can see, it was fairly simple mostly small hst. I knew that if I put the fabric and items "away" I would put it off and not get it done very expediently. Now I can concentrate on my Christmas small quilts.

Hope Ya'll have a blessed weekend!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Christmas Greetings BOM

Another "under the wire" finish for the only BOM I'm doing!! You think I'd get it done at the first of the month, but no I put it off. But even though I put it off, I'm pleased with the results!! I don't have the patterns, I just look on-line and create a 6" pattern from the posted 12" pattern. Then I have been piecing by hand to get all the corners and points exact. I think I'm getting better and more precise - a rewarding "self" challenge!
Just a note of interest - the center star is 3 inches across from point to point and there are 52 pieces in this block!! 

Happy Fall Ya'll

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (Almost)!!

Fabric from Mike's grandmother's dresses (circa 1940)
Pieced and Hand quilted by Mike's mother

Aren't they loverly!!!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wonderful Giveaway!!

Not mine (yet) but Siv Hege reached some awesome goals and wants to share it with everyone! What a grand thing to do!!! By the way, she has a lovely blog and does some lovely things!!!

Remember that I went to a guild meeting? Well my friend encouraged me to share at show and tell, but didn't no my picture was going on their blog!!! But you can see if you so desire! Brownwood Quild Meeting

Happy Fall to Ya'll!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Venture with an unexpected Treasure!

Long time no talk, or see either. Several weeks ago an acquaintance and I were at a mutual birthday party and she invited me to attend a Quilter's Guild meeting that she and her mother attend in town about 45 miles away. Well, yesterday I traveled with them and had a delightful time. Becky (acquaintance now friend) and Alice (her mother) were a joy. Alice is 90 and has made a gazillion quilts!!! And hand quilted most of them. The meeting was okay, but the ladies were friendly and welcoming (as most quilter's are). They had a group project and I just visited and worked a little on hand work. But the highlight of the day was Alice and I went "shopping!". The guild had received several boxes of fabric - in all shapes and sizes - and they needed to be "removed" from the storage. So everyone would sift through and get what they wanted! So Alice and I took our time and each got several treasures - she is quite the convincing shopper - told me that I "needed" just about every piece I picked up!!! But I did score!!! I came home and washed and pressed all the pieces so I'm ready to go!!! (like I need one more thing to work on - buy hey I bet none of you could have turned down free fabric!!!!)

Aren't these lovely calicoes!!!

 This piece I picked up to make a donation baby quilt. The guild provides baby quilts for the hospital needs.

These fabrics just caught my eye. Love the tulips on the blue pieces.

But this piece is my "real find of the day"!!! a full 1 1/2 yards!! I'm taking suggestions about how to use it!! I'm thinking with reds and browns, but not sure what pattern. Aren't the stage coaches adorable!!
