
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I'm still having trouble leaving comments on blogs with embedded comments. Does anyone know if maybe I have some setting set wrong? Also, I've checked blogger issues and they've mentioned a problem about posting comments, but I was wondering if there is a way to contact blogger and post a problem. Any input would be appreciated!

Can't make a post without adding something about quilting, so I've added a picture of a crazy quilt that my paternal grandmother made for our wedding gift 31 years ago. It is made with cotton fabrics attached to muslin. She didn't use any batting but backed it with flannel. It has been "well-loved" through the years. It is a favorite to curl up and watch TV!! The kids use to fight over it!!!


  1. What a treasure of a quilt from Grandma!

  2. What a great quilt. And wonderful to have a family treasure.

    I am still having problems posting comments on some blogs. When it bounces you over to login, uncheck the "keep me signed in" box and you will be able to leave a comment. It is annoying but I usually only have to do it once and it works for all of them that I want to comment on.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!