
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Addendum to Vintage Treasures - Installment #4

Just a quick add to my last post. I was looking for some other family information and came across a photo of my great-great grandmother, which I had forgotten I had. I believe she is the one that made the crazy quilt pillow sham shown in my header picture. Crazy quilts usually have items that tell about the times or the maker or something that leaves a note of history, and this pillow sham has "Mrs. Via" (my gggrandmother) and "1896" embroidered on it. 

Again, thanks for letting me share some of my "quilting" history. Stayed tune for the next installment where I show the quilt that really got me into quilting!! Til then!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, how precious to have a picture of your gggrandmother - and to know the face behind the beautiful crazy quilt pillow sham - a wonderful piece of family history!


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