
Monday, August 11, 2014

Quilt News!!!

I realize that it has been exactly 2 months since my last post - but I HAVE been doing some quilty stuff! It has been a very busy summer for me and I have found time to stitch, just haven't made time to take photos and post! But tonight, I did it!! So here goes...

This has been the year for Hand Quilted projects for me. As you know I finished TWQ!!!! Yeah!! Then a hand quilted quilt for Granson #1. Another Yeah!!! And.......Hand Quilted project #3 - a quilt for Granson #2 and guess what!! It was done a month early! I had it finished for the baby shower on July 20 and  he's not due until August 23!! That's a miracle!! And here it is!

The Front

The Back

The Gift Table at the Shower

Since then, I've been working on the BOMs in which I'm participating. 

Benjamin Biggs
The first six finished, #7 in progress, #8 pattern downloaded

Where Poppies Grow
Remembering Elmo
First 5 finished. Number six in progress, Fabrics chosen for 7, #8 will be posted on Sunday.

Threads of Memory
Totally caught up - Block #7

All seven blocks setting in progress. 
Sometimes when I look at it, I think the gold and the honey kind of clash,
But both colors are in the border fabric (which isn't in the photo), so I think it will pull it all together.

I finished a UFO!!! Remember Randy's SAL - Barrister's Blocks (I think we did it in 2012- correct me if I'm wrong).. I followed along very well until the last few blocks. Then other things/quilts took precedence and the blocks got put in box up on a shelf. After I finished Tygh's quilt, I cleaned up and reorganized my sewing room, fabric, etc and decided to finish up the flimsy. I had 62 blocks finished, so stitched up one more for a 7 x 9 setting. Then added the sashing, cornerstones and borders. I call it 

"Stained Glass Sampler"
(any suggestions on a better name?)

Gracen's eyes lit up and she clapped when she saw this! I have no plans to quilt it right now, so it will go in my flimsy pile. Maybe Gracen will choose it someday for me to quilt!

Speaking of Gracen - here's a couple of photos of our little sweet girl!

In the garden

Riding - one of her favorite things to do!

With Cousin Asa!

I do have one more little finish. I hadn't done any FMQ for a couple of months, so "practiced" on a small quilt. The colors reminded me of my red geraniums, so I did a little photo shoot in the garden.

Hope this finds each of you having a wonderful summer! 
And remember:
