
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Charm Pack Winner and Charm Pack Question!!

So sorry that I didn't get this posted yesterday like I said. I had a hard time "corraling" the resident cowboy, but finally got him "lassoed" this morning! He drew and the winner is:

Congratulations, Louise!!!

Now, I have another question for everyone, just for my information.

What is your favorite block and/or quilt project that would use a charm pack?


Blessings Ya'll!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Starry Stars & Blogger Problem Resolved!

I just got antsy - I wanted to "finish" something, so because I had made extra Temecula star blocks, I just finished mine up into two little fliimsys. They are about 16" square and I call them "Patriotic Starry Stars". They will go into my box with my other small patriotic star flimsys to be quilted for next year! Looking forward to seeing the final star (which will not be included in my quilts - lol) and all of you fellow quilters finishes! This was one of my favorite SAL - you know me and STARS!!!!

Now to my blogger comment problem - Well thanks to Muddle Puddle, I found out that you had to type in the Numbers. Well, I consider myself and intelligent person - thought I am not an English Major but rather my education is in Applied Mathematics. So, you see I do understand numbers - but if you notice the next time you come across a comment that has word verification the instructions say:

"Prove you are not a robot"    Type the two words.

Now like I said, I am not an English Major, but NUMBERS ARE NOT WORDS!!!!!! Maybe I am just too literal!! LOL

But alas, I can now again leave comments on blogs with word verification, and most of the time I can get it right with less than 5 tries!!!! I think I would do a whole lot better if they just had me type in Numbers - I can understand those a whole lot better!! LOL!!!!

Oh by the way - I will catch the resident cowboy and his trusty black/dress hat and draw a winner for the two charm packs in the morning! So stay tuned...

Blessings Ya'll!!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Recent Finishes & Another Start!

Isn't it always fun to finish up a quilt project!! I've finished 4 small quilts and even learned a new skill!! Yes, I have ventured into machine quilting - though it be only straight line quilting with a walking foot attachment. But I'm hooked!!! I hope to venture into FMQ soon. I've found some old batting pieces so will make up some practice sandwiches soon!

Wee Care quilts for our guild's benevolence program.

A fall small quilt for myself - yes for me!!!! I had pieced the top last fall for a small quilt challenge, but had put it up to quilt later. But decided to practice my straight line machine quilting for myself, and I was pleased with the results!

And a very old UFO that I had put together several years ago and started hand quilting. Well, I finished it!! It is a Debbie Mumm pattern and I wanted a valentine quilt for my coffee table. The colors are kinda Christmasy, but my living room is burgundy and hunter, so goes any time!!

I do love to hand quilt! But I have found machine quilting to be very fun and rewarding too. One of the things that made it "pleasant" is that after viewing several tutorials on-line I ordered 505 Basting Spray. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! NO PINS!!! It makes the layers of the sandwich adhere wonderfully, but it is very supple and very easy to handle. I haven't used it on a bed size quilt yet, but I have plans to machine quilt one of my Christmas quilts in a couple of weeks. But it worked absolutely wonderfully on the small quilts I did. This is a picture of my three new most favorite quilting tools!!

And here is my new start! The GREAT GRANNY CRAZE has hit!! But alas, mine are really PETITE GRANNY SQUARES. My squares are only two inches which makes the blocks about 8 1/2 inches finished. Plus, I am such a "Frugal Frannie" that I piece with the "no waste" method. But, I'm really liking them. I won the pink, green, and lavender FQs and am making them into a baby girl quilt for a friend.

Lastly, I am not able to leave comments on blog posts where there is word verification!!! Is anyone else having that trouble? It has just come up and I've checked and rechecked my settings on my blog and on my browser! Any tips would be so greatly appreciated. BTW I HATE Word verification!!!!

Blessings Ya'll!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

FFFF - late again!!!!

So sorry, I'm late again with my monthly fabric giveaway! I had part of what I wanted to do, wanted a little more - so had to contemplate it awhile - okay, okay, just got busy and didn't get around to taking pics and posting!!

Without further ado - This month's FFFF consists of two 6" charm packs - one is a collection from Hancock's that is a 16 piece pack - 4 each of 4 designs that are nice fall colors. The other is a 18 piece pack of purples - 2 each of 9 designs that I put together from my stash. Which brings me to this month's question - what's your favorite color? Mine is purple!!! But I love fall colored fabrics!! So to enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post telling me (us) your favorite color and your favorite fabric color. Even if you don't want to be in the giveaway - tells us your favorite colors and why you like them! Oh yeah, I like purple because it is "royal" and I like feeling "royal"! I love wearing purple! But when I shop for fabric I'm always drawn to browns, rusts, golds - all those rich fall colors!

Blessings Ya'll!!!!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Piecing Frenzy Segment #2 - Blocks

I've gotten caught up on my blocks for the SAL that I have been doing!!!

Temecula Stars

Barrister Blocks

Christmas Greetings


And a new SAL that 
Pam over at Heart Spun Quilts is hosting called:

Pocket Patchwork - Forget Me Not

I'm excited about this one (though I LOVE all the SAL that I do!) because I am using fabric that I won in 
Elaine's giveaway! These are such fun fabrics! Thanks Elaine!!

Blessings Ya'll!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

"T" is for Texas / Piecing Frenzy Segment #1

Moda came out with an amazing line of fabric that was just for Texas - I ooooooed and aahhhhed, but only bought a little because I wasn't sure what to make with it!! But I did make a small quilt for a friend that visited. But I had a few scraps left so put this small quilt (14" x 14") together and got it quilted while I've been "GLUED" to the TV watching Olympics!!!

"T" is for Texas

I used one of my Blue Bird flour sacks for the backing!

If you remember, I mentioned in an earlier post that I was on a piecing frenzy. Not only have I been piecing blocks for 5 projects (some of them SAL in blog land) I began piecing some baby/toddler quilts. I went through my scraps/stash and put together these simple quilt tops. Most of the "squares" were left over from other quilt projects, so I just added to those.

These three are for a dear friend's grandsons. I will straight line machine quilt these and get them in the mail sometime in the next month or so.

These two quilt tops are for our guild's "Wee Care Benevolence" program. My plan is to get them machine quilted next week. We'll see how it goes. 

Blessings Ya'll!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The BABY Quilt Reveal!!

The shower for Gracen Kate was yesterday (August 4) and I finished TBQ just in time - at 8:45 a.m. I put the last blind stitch in the binding!! (The shower was at 10:00 - cutting it a little close huh!! LOL)

When Gracen arrives I will embroidery her name and birth date on the back and I'll also sign it then. But here's the pics of the finish!!

It measures about 47" X 63" so she will be able to use it for a long time! Can you tell she is going to be little cowgirl if "Ne Ne" (me) has anything to do with it!! Of course her mama LOVES horses. Mikkie had her first horseback ride at 5 days old on Mike's cutting mare named Espy. We still have Espy - she is 30 years old!) So the plan is to have Grampy (Mike) give Gracen her first horseback ride at 5 days old on Espy!!

Blessing Ya'll!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Surprise Package

Mike brought the mail in yesterday and to my surprise there was a bubble mailer with my name on it!! Mollie, our youngest, blessed me by sending me some really cute fabric! She had been working on a project and bought some FQs for me!! Isn't she sweet and aren't these fabrics fun, fun, fun!!

Blessings Ya'll!!!!