
Monday, October 31, 2011

Fallen Soldier Project Stars and Civil War Remembrance Blocks

Good Monday morning!!! A beautiful fall morning, I've had my coffee and I'm fixin' to go feed horses and work dogs.

Over the weekend I finished two projects: R,W, & B blocks for John'aLee and the Fallen Soldier Project she is doing. She has extended the deadline until November 30, so if you have a minute, you could sew up a couple and send them her way.

Also, I MET MY GOAL OF CATCHING UP ON THE CIVIL WAR REMEMBRANCE BLOCKS BY NOVEMBER 1 !!!!!! I stitched the last appliqued star on the seven sisters block Saturday night while I watched a movie with Mike!! I am really enjoying this sew along and loving the diversity of the blocks. My plan is to quilt this one after April 2012 (son's wedding) and have it ready for our bed for next fall!!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Monday, October 24, 2011

Latest Finishes

Hope this finds each of you having an enjoyable fall! I know that I am enjoying the cooler weather! We won't have much color this year, but hopefully we will get more rain!!

Civil War Remembrance Blocks
Mini quilt/pot holder for House Warming Give Away.
 If you still want a chance, I won't draw until November first!

It measures 8" x 8" and though the pictures don't show it, I quilted a "Steaming cup of coffee/tea" as the design.

How about them Rangers!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Christmas Small Quilt Update

I'm half done with my Christmas Small Quilt projects that I am making for the girls (three daughters and future DIL).  Thought I would share!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Won These!!

Today was our quilt guild meeting, and I won the drawing for the BOM!!! They are called 'Maple Star' and they are pieced with fall colors. As you can see, there are 15, so I will only need to make one more to make a four by four setting. Right now I like them on point, with setting squares, but this is where I need your help. I would love suggestions about settings and color of setting squares, or sashing and borders.

Happy Fall Ya'll

Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

More Quilts

More quilts I saw at the Trade Days.

Happy Fall Ya'll

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

House Warming Giveaway!

Okay, I've taken the plunge and committed to posting on my house blog - Doniene's 365 Days: Line Shack to Rustic Mansion. Yes, it will be a daily picture of the journey and results from our house building venture. I really would like feedback and would love to answer questions. I have posted some of the history and background in the sidebar of the blog, but if you would like clarification, I will be delighted to respond to all comments. One note that I did not include, is that when I say "we built our house" I mean we did 99% of the work. In other words, we were the general contractor, the framers, the rock layers, the finishers, the plumbers, etc.

Additionally, I'm having a giveaway relating to the house blog - hence the House Warming Giveaway. The prize is a vintage Fire King cup & saucer, one half pound of Gevalia ground coffee (if you don't like coffee, I will substitute Celestial Seasons Chamomile Tea), a devotional book Coffee Breaks with God, and a mini quilt (which will be finished by the end of the giveaway).

Here's how to enter the giveaway:

One chance - leave a comment on my house blog and say you want to be in the drawing

Second chance - become a follower on my house blog

Third chance - become a follower on this blog

Fourth chance - blog about my house blog on your blog

The giveaway will end on November 1, 2011.

Most of all, I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

Happy Fall Ya'll

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Quilt Sightings!

Just a few more quilts that I saw the weekend we went to the Trade Days!

You know me and star quilts!! Isn't the quilting exquisite!!

And isn't this a cute little "bow" tie tied quilt!!

Blue and White quilts are some of my favorite and I've never made one! It's on my GDISDL!!!

Oops forgot to rotate the picture before I uploaded it! But you get the idea!!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cathy Has Another Giveaway!

Cathy is having another wonderful book give away!!! Plus it is her birthday on Friday the 14th!! Plus she has posted some awesome fall photos!!! Go take a look!!!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Chasing a Rabbit!

Remember This?

 The Civil War Era Seven Sisters (Stars) Quilt I posted about earlier.

Well, Maureen commented on this post, that she was reading Barbara Brackman's book and that the seven stars represented the first seven southern states to secede from the Union. I didn't know that, and didn't know that Texas was one of those states much to Sam Houston's chagrin. So, my interest is piqued now, and I begin reading Barbara's blog more carefully. I had seen it before, but thought it was just a sew-a-long, but it is a history lesson!!! I have always loved the civil war fabrics, but had only purchased a few little pieces for small projects and didn't feel like I could really sew-a-long.

Then the little niggle at the back of you brain - you know the one that says "don't get yourself into something you shouldn't"!!! LOL Ahah!! I remembered that I had purchased on-line several yards of some fabric for another project, but when I got it it wasn't as "red" as I wanted. So, I put the fabric up - until now!!

Technically, it is not labeled Civil War Era fabric by the designer (P&B Textiles) I thought it would work - a paisley, foulard looking prints, "almost" madder browns and reds and 7 yards to use! I also had a small piece of "real" Civil War Era fabric that I added to the collection.

So, in 5 days I've done THIS!

18 blocks done!

My goal is to be caught up by November 1, and I think I'm making this quilt for me!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekend (last) Sightings #2

Just a couple more quilts that I saw last weekend with the girls!

Love how the tumbling block setting makes stars!! You know me an my stars!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's Your Name?

Dawn over at Sweet as Cinnamon is having a fun little "get to know one another"! She want's to know why we picked our blog name and a little about ourselves (of course she is having a little give away too!) She has a beautiful blog and a wonderful name!

Now It's Just Quilts! really started as "quilts-n-bordercollies", because two of my passions are quilting and every thing about quilting, and border collies especially training and sheep dog trialing. After about a month of posting, I realized that not only was it difficult for me to mix the two, not everyone is interested in both. So, I split my blogs into two separate blogs - one for each topic. Hence, Now It's Just Quilts is about quilting and just border collies contains my obsession with everything border collie.

It has been quite an adventure for me - I've only been blogging about 5 months and I can say that I have "friends" all over the world!!

This is my only photo where I "mixed" the two. A vintage quilt that my husband's grandmother made, and Bess who was about 7 weeks old in the photo. She is now 5 1/2 months old, and is my "most promising prospect" I've had!! She is a joy as is the treasure of a vintage quilt!

Happy Fall Ya'll

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weekend Sightings!!

This past weekend, two of my daughters, my future DIL and her mom traveled to Canton, Texas to the monthly Trade Days that began in the 1870's! Of course back then it was more of a farmer's market and today it is more of a flea market, but it was fun. One of my purposes this trip was to photograph quilts and post them because I have enjoyed seeing other bloggers do the same. There were several I would have loved to buy, but alas they were outside my budget!! But it was fun to look none the less.

This little cutie came home with me. It was a small piece that had been cut from an old quilt and then rebound. It measures about 24" X 36" and I thought it would make a great table topper (and it was only $5!!) I do think it is 50's fabric and I always love to give a home to "homeless" treasures!! The only worn block is the red one on the left.

This next quilt was my favorite of everything I saw. I was told it was a Civil War era quilt, and I thought it was wonderful. Of course priced out of my budget, but I love the big fan quilting and the stars are awesome - you know how I love stars!!! I think I might put making one like this on my "bucket list"!! It was very heavy and the quilting was done with dark blue thread.

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Big Lake Quilter Giveaway!!

Just a quick note to tell everyone that Cathy over at Big Lake Quilter is having a give away to CELEBRATE!! Go on over and share in her celebration and have a look at her wonderful projects!

Happy Fall Ya'll

I'll post tomorrow about my treasures from the weekend!!!